Tuesday, 30 December 2008

5 fun facts about Robert Pattinson

People.com has a cute, but short, new article with 5 fun facts about Robert Pattinson. They also have a mini biography and some cute gallery photos of him.

Here’s what they had to say:

Move over Zac Efron! British import Robert Pattinson has arrived, and the reaction is Beatles-like. With his signature tousled mop and brooding stare, Hollywood’s newest heartthrob has tongues wagging, mobs stalking, and tweens begging.

Pattinson first made his mark on American audiences as hunky Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. But his casting as Edward Cullen, the beautiful vampire at the center of the best-selling Twilight Saga, has turned the man dubbed R.Pattz into the apple of every teen girl’s eye.

Twilight’s record-breaking opening has paved the way for more sequels. But before he makes his immortal return, Pattinson will display his acting chops as Salvador Dalí in the indie drama Little Ashes.

1. Robert Pattinson was often taken advantage of by his older siblings. “Up until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as ‘Claudia’!” the actor told the BBC.

2. Robert Pattinson became known to his fans as ‘Spunk Ransom’ after admitting he disliked his name. “I hate any reference to my name,” he told MTV. “I wish people would just completely invent a new one.” ‘Spunk Ransom’ was Pattinson’s suggested alternative.

3. Robert Pattinson, who plays piano and guitar, has two songs featured in Twilight. “I cried the first time I heard the two songs,” director Catherine Hardwicke told MTV. “They’re deep; they’re very soulful.”

4. While filming Twilight, Robert Pattinson injured himself on his very first shot. “I wasn’t even doing a stunt. I was just trying to pick up Kristen [Stewart] and I almost tore my hamstring because I hadn’t been doing enough squats,” the actor told the Los Angeles Times. “It was very embarrassing.”

5. While on the Twilight set, an enthusiastic fan asked a crew member to bring her baby on set and have Robert Pattinson take a photo with the child. “So there’s a photo of me like biting a baby’s head,” he said.


The fun facts weren’t actually very new, but I thought it was cute that Catherine Hardwicke cried when she heard Rob’s two songs on the soundtrack. I think a lot of girls had a similar reaction!

What did you think of these fun facts? Did you learn anything new? And how did you feel when you heard Rob’s two songs - did you have a similar experience to Catherine’s?

from : twilightindo.ning

buat gw?gw cinta banget ma lagu yang judulnya let me sign~~~~anjaaayyyy,,,pas banget ma adegan flashback yang di filmnya ntuh...
tapi ya gag ampe nangis jugee...hohoho...


these are some cute facts. But i most certainly did not have a similar reaction to rob's singing. When I first heard it, i couldn't believe it was him, i think he sucks. He should stick to acting, singing is NOT for him.